Current Roles
Megan is thrilled to be at the helm of the newest original serialized podcast, The Old People's Channel, brought to you by Mozine Productions. Created and written by NYC's very own Richard Curtis, the story follows aging self-made entrepreneur Bernard Bentlee as he risks everything he's worked for (including his family's inheritance) to achieve a lifelong dream of epic proportions. In addition to serving as Producer and Director, Megan is also playing the lead role of Ashley Master. Be sure to visit for news on episode release dates, and subscribe to wherever you listen to your podcasts!
Recent Work
Megan is thrilled to be a featured actor in a variety of roles in the new podcast, The Creepery. Equal parts hair-raising, witty, disturbing, and straight-up fun, the latest edition to your audio playlist is a modern take on classic radio plays. Click the link below to start listening now!